Lesbian fiction and introspections from a mid-life crisis/makeover.
Tell me what you love or hate about the House of the Muses serials or discuss it amongst yourselves. Don't be verklempt. :P
Published on December 30, 2005 By TheWriteStuf In Fiction Writing
The first serial chapters of House of the Muses are going up even as we write, and building an audience that is already hungry for good fiction is essential to sharing the story. After you've had your say about my serials--love it or hate it--send this link to share with your friends so they too can be delighted or irritated. Thanks for your time and attention, and enjoy the serials. Be sure to subscribe to my email list if you want to keep updated on new stories. I don't spam or sell my list. I DO want to be liked and creating more spam doesn't endear me to anyone.

Here's to a prolific writing career in 2006. Happy New Year, everyone!

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